Online Dialogue Resources
The Dialogue Project
Join Peter Westoby and Anthony Kelly in a deep dive into dialogue.
Introduction: What is Dialogue?This is a short conversation between Peter Westoby and Anthony Kelly on What is Dialogue, and Who it could be helpful for. This is the first audio in a new project creating resources and partnerships around the contribution of dialogue theory and practice in different social and ecological fields. The working group consists of Peter, Anthony, Susan, Mike and Ann and is currently being hosted by Community Praxis Co-op. More resources, including An Introduction to Dialogue, is coming soon.
Dialogue Skill #1: Text, commentary, subtextAn eleven minute conversation between Peter Westoby and Anthony Kelly on skill #1 in dialogue theory and practice - understanding the difference between text, commentary and subtext.
Dialogue Skill #2: Nurturing the Thread of Trust |
A ten minute conversation between Peter Westoby and Anthony Kelly on skill #2 in dialogue theory and practice - understanding the three movements that enable bonding and trust-building.
Dialogue Skill #3: Discovering the Pathway Forward |
A 9 minute conversation between Peter Westoby and Anthony Kelly on skill #3 in dialogue theory and practice - managing the text in dialogue through unearthing and working with key words or heurisms.
Dialogue Skill #4: Changing the Story, but Always with Permission |
A 12 minutes conversation between Anthony Kelly and Peter Westoby on Skill #4 in dialogue theory and practice - understanding how to change the story through four types of grammatical variance, and always doing this with permission to ensure ownership by the people.
Conclusion: Reflections on the Place of Dialogue |
A final 9 minute conversation between Anthony Kelly and Peter Westoby on the power and limits of dialogue.