The ‘We Recover Better Together’ project was developed in response to the 2022 floods to support and strengthen how local communities can prepare to recover better together into the future. This project provided an injection of resources into five local towns and their rural surrounds between July 2023 to June 2024. These towns include Glass House Mountains, Beerwah, Landsborough, Mooloolah Valley and Eudlo. The ‘We Recover Better Together’ project was jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments and the funding is administered by Sunshine Coast Council who have contracted Community Praxis Cooperative (the Co-op) to work in partnership with Council to deliver the project.
The project workers from the Co-op and Council worked alongside, and were guided by, what community members identified as shared needs to better recover from disasters. The project sought to: * Bring the community together to have conversations about how we can recover better together; * Improve connections between individuals, neighbourhoods, groups, services and government; * Identify what needs to be developed such as communication channels, training, resources and support services; and * Improve sharing of information, knowledge and awareness of how we can recover better together.